ILL Showcase/ Hip Hop Open Mic ($500 Cash Prize)

Howlers [Pittsburgh]

Event info
Date: December 20, 2019
Time: 7:30 pm
Location: Howlers
Address: 4509 Liberty Ave Pittsburgh

Elevenfiftysix1156 and Grind Hard Djs are proud to present the I Love Lyrics (ILL) Showcase & Open Mic!

ILL Showcase is a monthly hip-hop/R&B open mic where this months’s prize is $500, and some other cool things provided by our sponsors!

Dev Structers
Jay Hill
Justin Dixon
Samuel DeRiggi
Island Bwoy
Jessie Spatano
ILL Advanced

Interested in performing? PLEASE READ ALL OF THE INFO BELOW:

-Sign ups start at 7:30 and close at 8:45 (No sign-ups will be taken after this time. No exceptions!). Show starts promptly at 8:30.
-You have one song to impress our panel of judges (TBA).
-Judging will be based on stage presence, delivery, and LYRICS.
-The registration fee is $20 per act in advance $30 at the door. (send via PayPal to or CashApp to $elizabethkivowitz). If using PayPal, please choose the Family & Friends option so that we are not charged a fee.
-The deadline for advance registration is 12/15 at 11:59pm.
-Registration at the door is $30 per act. (Please note that limited slots are available so you may not be able to register at the door.)
-General admission (for those who are not performing) is $10 at the door.
-This is a 21+ event and you MUST have valid ID.
-Music MUST be on a USB or hard drive. MP3s ONLY! For this event, we will not accept music via email or on a phone.

Winners of previous ILL Showcases after the August 21st event do NOT have to pay the entry fee.

Any artists performing with a band must be there no later than 7:45 to set up and must be set up by 8:30. Once the show begins, no band equipment can be set up or taken down until the event is over. In other words, if you have a band, your equipment may end up being the back line for any other bands performing that night. You will be responsible for working with the sound person at the venue to make sure everything is set up properly.

Please send a message to LOCAL 412 or email to with any questions.

Ch.408 Rap

Current track

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