Ruger Rome won’t stop!
Written by djchevy on January 31, 2022

(Manchester Pittsburgh, PA.) Ruger Rome will not stop working on showing his fan base something different in 2022! “I wanna show them that I’m versatile.” With his varying beats, styles and vibe, Rome is sure to show us all that he’s not a stereotypical rapper.
The pandemic has impacted us all in many unforeseen ways, but Rome never stopped progressing. On January 18th 2022 Ruger Rome premiered his documentary, We Are DTR. This cinematic piece shows the rise of his independent record label “Deeper Than Rap” records.
“The number one thing that I want people to know about my music is that its from the heart. The good, the bad and the ugly. I want you to feel me.”
Follow Ruger Rome: IG @OG_RUGER_ROME Twitter @romeruger
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